Daily Archives: November 3, 2011

‘Best of 2011′ List Includes Ubuntu 11.04

It clocks in at #82 in the Top 100 of 2011 but remember, Linux Mint, Zorin, and probably other Linux distros are built upon the Ubuntu 11.04 codebase even though a newer version (Ubuntu 11.10) has been released which ruffled lots and lots of user feathers because of its Unity-only desktop.

This is a great accomplishment for Ubuntu 11.04, which is apparently the last one to include the beloved GNOME 2.3.2 Desktop. The alleged “new and improved” Ubuntu now looks like an iPad, which is exactly what’s driving Ubuntu users (like me) to Mint, Zorin and other Linux distros still embracing GNOME 2.x because it looks more like familiar old Windows than an iOS.

Ubuntu 11.04 Makes PCWorld ‘Best of 2011′ List.

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Filed under Linux, Op-Ed, Ubuntu

Holding On To Mint

Linux Mint

As you can probably tell, I’ve become a big fan of the popular free Linux operating systems. My glowing comments about Zorin (below) might suggest I was ready to move from away from Linux mint. Not so.

Linux Mint is working flawlessly for me and it’s enough similar to what I knew with Windows 7, XP, and 2000 to have me comfortable.

I’m also growing more and more impressed with the free open-source programs available that do what the Windows versions did only for free.


Filed under Linux, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Zorin